Meeting the Learning Needs of Educators of Students with Sensory Needs

General information of the situation
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General information of the situation
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The situation is where you start. You learn by dealing with real-life work situations. Provide a short description of the situation for the learners to work on. Along the way, you will impact results.
Sitches are situations, jams, issues, errors, gaps, troubles, stoppages and many others to fix and solve. They are also opportunities to improve, grow, expand, and introduce better, faster and cheaper ways to get the desired results.
What is your Situation and Question?
The Texas Education Agency has determined that blind and visually impaired services and deaf and hard of hearing services should be combined into one network - Texas Sensory Support Network (TxSSN). Currently, there is one LMS used as a community of practice for all network members, including educators from both fields.
What's the biggest challenge?
Educators are having difficulties finding the components that meet their specific learning needs, due to the varied needs of the two fields.
What's the objective?
There is some overlap in learning needs and resources, and there are many topics that don't overlap. The TxSSN team needs to determine how best to set up one or more LMSs that meet the individual social and independent learning needs of the fields, yet overlap when appropriate.
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Susan Tiggs    
April 25, 2020